If you’re not logged in, it’s simple: there is none. That’s why Mirepoi does not bother you with annoying consent banners.

There is one disclosed exception: if you change the language and currency we have detected from your browser while not logged in, then we’ll drop a mirepoi-l cookie.


It’s just here to keep your preference while your on Mirepoi.

And while logged in ?

When you login, we keep your session with a mirepoi-s cookie. That’s all.

In summary:

Cookie Name Usage Details
mirepoi-l Keep language and currency preferences .mirepoi.com, httpOnly, Secure, Expires after a month
Removed on login
mirepoi-s Keep you logged in while browsing mirepoi .mirepoi.com, httpOnly, Secure, Expires after a month
Removed on logout

But hey how do you track us ?

We use privacy-friendly technologies, like server side log analysis and third party tools like Plausible. We can as our business model does not rely on advertisement, but fair revenue share with our creators.